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May 03, 2005
Putting A Spin On The News
Facts are facts.
Newspaper reports, while they report ‘facts’ to one extent or another, are not ‘facts’. They are often misleading, sometimes intentionally, sometimes totally unintentionally. The reporters and their editors take the facts of story and position them to serve their own purposes. Typically they want to be informative, or to promote a particular position or viewpoint, or to just plain and simply sell more newspapers.
Take, for example, the case of Broc Bebout. The facts are, as far as I can tell by reading the articles:
- Broc had quadruple-bypass surgery at the age of 39
- He took up bicycling, watched his diet, and paid attention to his health
- He enjoyed another 20 years of good health
- At the age of 59 he successfully bicycled 2,400 miles – from coast to coast in the US
- On the trip back home after his cycling trip, he died of a heart attack
Personally, I found Broc’s example to be tremendously inspirational. Other people may not find it as inspiring. My reaction probably has something to do with my life long preoccupation with bicycling and more recently kickbiking, the fact that as a child I always dreamt of bicycling across the US, and the fact that I happen to be 59 years old. Your mileage may vary.
That being said, Associated Press (AP) put Broc’s story out on the news wires, and newspapers all over the world put their own individual spins on it. As of this morning there were over 271 listings of articles about Broc shown in the Google News search page. All of them had the same set of ‘facts’ to work from, but the way that they reported the story varies dramatically. From many of the headlines you would automatically jump to the conclusion that Broc had undergone heart surgery, then jumped on his bicycle, or that bicycling was the cause of his death instead of prolonging and improving the quality of his life for several decades.
Here’s a list showing the wide variety of spins applied to Broc’s story-
- Heart patient dies day after completing 3,800-kilometre bike ride
- Bypass surgery patient who cycled 2,400 miles has died of a heart ...
- Man dies after completing 3,900km bike ride
- Heart Patient Dies After Bike Trip
- Heart Bypass Man Dies Attack after US Bike Trip
- Indiana bicyclist drops dead 1 day after journey across America
- Hoosier cyclist dies 1 day after ride of a lifetime
- Heart patient dies the day after a 3,800 kilometre bike ride
- Broc Bebout, he lived and died his dream
- Broc Bebout`s 2,400 mile trip is broke off by the death
- After completing “Trip of a lifetime” bicyclist died of heart ...
- Heart Patient Dies After Cross Country Bike Trip
- Man Dies After 2,400-Mile Bike Trek
- Man Suffers Fatal Heart Attack After Biking Cross Country
- Heart Patient Dies After Biking To Georgia
- Man Dies After Finishing 2,400 Mile Cross Country Bicycle Trip
- Bicyclist Dies One Day After Completing 2,400 Ride Across America
- Heart Patient Dies After Biking To Ga.
- Summary Box: Heart patient dies day after completing 2,400-mile ...
- Bypass survivor dies after completing cross-country bike ride
- Heart patient dies day after completing 2,400-mile bike ride
- Ind. Heart Patient Dies After Bike Trek
- Heart patient dies after 2,400-mile ride
- Ind. Heart Patient Dies After Bike Trek
- Heart patient dies the day after completing 2,400-mile bike ride
- Ind. Heart Patient Dies After Bike Trek
- Heart Patient Dies After Bike Trip
- Cyclist Dies After Cross-Country Journey
- Heart patient dies day after completing 2,400-mile bike ride
- Ind. Heart Patient Dies After Bike Trek
- Heart patient dies after completing 2,400-mile bike ride
- Heart Patient Dies After Bike Trip
- 2400 Miles Later, Heart Bypass Patient Dies
- Anderson biking enthusiast dies suddenly after completing 'trip of ...
May 3, 2005 | Permalink
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