• Places to Start

    Looking for something specific, or just general information on Kickbiking, footbikes, scooters, and other types of HPVs?

    Accessories includes articles on using bicycle bags to carry your Kickbike on the train, a quick and easy click-on day bag, and other useful items.

    Exercise and kicking techniques cover my experiences and observations on topics like the differences between jogging, cycling, and kicking; how I was able to deal with knee and muscle pain from cycling; and the like.

    Exploring- I love to go up and down new streets, discover new places, and fill my life with adventure. These are just a few of my Kickbiking and cycling jaunts around Japan and other parts unknown.

    Modifications & Adjustments- One size never fits all, and since I'm close to 2 meters tall I've had to make some modifications to all my vehicles.

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Member since 09/2003