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Juxtaposition - Adding Audio Clips to Your Website

I really wanted to add audio to my blogs, and needed a solution that would work across most, if not all, browsers. Flash was the natural choice since it seems to provide cross browser compatability, and Swishmax was the easiest way to cobble together a quick test.


For the audio file,  I thought it would be fun to use a creativity game that I developed for some of my seminars. The game is called Juxtaposition, and the object is to pick two or more quotations or sound bytes and put them together in a funny (or sad) way, totally out of their original context. If this works, you should be able to click on the red music note to the right and hear a few examples:

Amazingly enough, it worked the first time. The next step is to add some additional controls, like a real pause button, and setup the application so that it reads the audio file name dynamically.

Posted by Lem on August 13, 2005 | Permalink


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