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Creating Text Reflection

Title: Text Reflection
Tools Used: Swishmax
Length: Continous
Audio: None
Download Size: 40k
Format: Flash SWF
Notes: The initial text was created and formated. Font type was set to 'vector'. The text was then copied and flipped vertically. The new text height was reduced, and the text style changed to italic. Wave action was applied along with a 5 degree slant. The original text was given a shadow by copying it, changing the new text color to black, and then adjusting the positioning and layer. The water and earth were done by creating simple Swish shapes.

Posted by Lem on August 31, 2004 | Permalink


I like the way it is designed, it's really good for me who presently is still on the process of learning the software, I hope I could have the detailed steps in doing the said exercises, thank you...God bless...

Posted by: ines lacson | Sep 13, 2006 12:24:28 PM

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