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Running-Jogging Kinematics Animation

Title: Running Kinematics
Background: Simple Flash animation
Length: Continous
Audio: None
Download Size: 61k
Format: Flash SWF

Running or jogging generates significant repetitive stress on the hip, knees, lower leg, and ankles. To illustrate the kinematics involved, I started with a short video clip of a runner and captured 10 evenly spaced frames. I used PhotoShop elements to size the frame grabs and convert them to jpg images. In Swish I built the initial matchstick runner, then animated him by following the frame grab image sequence. This was then grouped as a sprite and given the lateral movement. The paths traced by the runners hip, knees, and ankles were highlighted, and light red and green vertical bands were added to emphasize the timeframes when the legs are undergoing extreme stress.

For more background see Kickbiking Japan

Posted by Lem on August 30, 2004 | Permalink


hi I'm a student in Cape Town I would like to know if were can I study animation because I'm good but I do not have maths and if you can find bursary please

Posted by: Aviwe Plaatjie | Jul 25, 2008 8:40:19 PM

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